Useful Persian Phrases for Travelers to Kish Island


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Useful Persian Phrases for Travelers to Kish Island


While English is spoken in tourist areas on Kish Island, knowing a few basic Persian (Farsi) phrases can enhance your interactions with locals, show respect, and make your trip even more enjoyable. This guide provides a list of useful phrases with phonetic pronunciations and English translations to help you get started. Don’t be afraid to try speaking Persian – even a small effort will be appreciated!

Pronunciation Guide:

  • aa: as in “father”
  • a: as in “about” or “up”
  • e: as in “bed”
  • i: as in “machine”
  • o: as in “go”
  • u: as in “food”
  • kh: a guttural sound like the “ch” in the Scottish “loch” or the German “Bach”
  • gh: a voiced guttural sound, similar to a French “r”
  • zh: as in “measure” or “vision”

 Greetings and Basic Phrases

Persian Phrase Phonetic Pronunciation English Translation
سلام salaam Hello/Peace
صبح بخیر sobh be kheyr Good morning
روز بخیر ruz be kheyr Good day (used from mid-morning to early afternoon)
عصر بخیر asr be kheyr Good afternoon/evening
شب بخیر shab be kheyr Good night
خداحافظ khodaa haafez Goodbye
بله bale Yes
نه nah No
لطفاً lotfan Please
متشکرم moteshakeram Thank you
خیلی ممنون kheyli mamnun Thank you very much
خواهش می‌کنم khaahesh mikonam You’re welcome/No problem
ببخشید bebakhshid Excuse me/Sorry
من فارسی بلد نیستم man farsi balad nistam I don’t speak Persian


Number Persian Phonetic
0 صفر sefr
1 یک yek
2 دو do
3 سه se
4 چهار chahaar
5 پنج panj
6 شش shesh
7 هفت haft
8 هشت hasht
9 نه noh
10 ده dah
20 بیست bist
30 سی see
40 چهل chehel
50 پنجاه panjaah
100 صد sad
1000 هزار hezaar

 Getting Around

Persian Phrase Phonetic Pronunciation English Translation
… کجاست؟ … kojaast? Where is the …?
دستشویی کجاست؟ dastshuii kojaast? Where is the restroom?
ایستگاه تاکسی کجاست؟ istgaah-e taaksi kojaast? Where is the taxi stand?
فرودگاه کجاست؟ forudgaah kojaast? Where is the airport?
ساحل کجاست؟ saahel kojaast? Where is the beach?
من می‌خواهم به … بروم man mikhaaham be … beravam I want to go to …
تاکسی taaksi Taxi
اتوبوس otobus Bus
مستقیم mostaghim Straight
بپیچید به راست bepichid be raast Turn right
بپیچید به چپ bepichid be chap Turn left
چقدر می‌شود؟ cheghadr mishavad? How much is it? (for taxi fare, etc.)

 Food and Drink

Persian Phrase Phonetic Pronunciation English Translation
من گرسنه هستم man gorosne hastam I am hungry
من تشنه هستم man teshne hastam I am thirsty
رستوران resturaan Restaurant
کافه kaafe Cafe
منو menu Menu
آب aab Water
چای chaay Tea
قهوه ghahve Coffee
نان naan Bread
برنج berenj Rice
مرغ morgh Chicken
گوشت gusht Meat
ماهی maahi Fish
سبزیجات sabzijaat Vegetables
صورتحساب surathasaab Bill/Check
نوش جان noosh-e jaan Bon appétit! (Enjoy your meal)


Persian Phrase Phonetic Pronunciation English Translation
این چنده؟ in chande? How much is this?
خیلی گران است kheyli geraan ast It’s very expensive
تخفیف می‌دهید؟ takhfif midahid? Do you give a discount?
بازار کجاست؟ baazaar kojaast? Where is the bazaar?
من … می‌خواهم man … mikhaaham I want …
بزرگ bozorg Big
کوچک kuchak Small
این را می‌خواهم in raa mikhaaham I’ll take this one
مغازه maghaaze Shop

 Other Useful Phrases

Persian Phrase Phonetic Pronunciation English Translation
کمک! komak! Help!
دکتر doctor Doctor
داروخانه daarukhaane Pharmacy
بیمارستان bimaarestaan Hospital
حال شما چطور است؟ haal-e shomaa chetor ast? How are you? (formal)
من خوب هستم man khoob hastam I am fine
اسم شما چیست؟ esm-e shomaa chist? What is your name? (formal)
اسم من … است esm-e man … ast My name is …
اهل کجا هستید؟ ahl-e kojaa hasteed? Where are you from? (formal)
من اهل … هستم man ahl-e … hastam I am from …
می‌فهمم mifahmam I understand
نمی‌فهمم nemifahmam I don’t understand
می‌شود تکرار کنید؟ mishavad tekraar konid? Can you repeat that?
می‌شود آهسته‌تر صحبت کنید؟ mishavad aahesteh tar sohbat konid? Can you speak more slowly?
خوشبختم khoshbakhtam Nice to meet you


Learning even a few basic Persian phrases can significantly enhance your experience on Kish Island. It shows respect for the local culture and can lead to more meaningful interactions with the people you meet. Don’t be afraid to give it a try – your efforts will be appreciated. Have a fantastic trip to Kish Island!


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